First Rain of the Season in Loreto Mexico

We had a few drops of rain earlier this week which was quite refreshing but it has made it more humid than usual. I stood on my deck at 8:30 am on Monday morning and enjoyed the light sprinkle while we watched the golf course being watered. I got a few emails from friends that were concerned about the rain … but it really was non existent. However, a big deal for the desert and the local Loretanos who thought it was worth having a rain day!

All the LBC workers have been paid (except the construction workers – but there is a plan for them) so everyone is much more relaxed and happy. Many people are taking this opportunity of starting new businesses, getting new work, and there is a more positive feeling than a couple of weeks ago. Some prefer to take this time as vacation and wait out the perfect storm of LBC.

There are not many visitors this week and it is very quiet on the streets of Loreto Bay. The community pool is a wonderful 90 degrees and there are lots of chaise lounges to relax and mingle.

I hope all my American friends are having a good time this weekend celebrating their 4th of July! I would prefer to be in Napa at the LB Homeowner’s event tonight! Apparently Mr. David Butterfield will be making a guest appearance, and that is always interesting and entertaining.

I was very proud of myself for setting up a private site on for our Property Management clients, then realized 3 days later that some people were having difficulty signing on and there was a limit on the number of members allowed. Oh well. Another lesson learned.

So, I spent most of my Sunday working on a new site to host the Baja BOSS Property Management newsletter and ran into all sorts of computer glitches. I think it is now operational and I am feeling pretty good about how much time it will save for me and our clients in future.

There is not much to report this week as there has not been any news at Loreto Bay, and I have been buried in starting the new business. All work and no play for Nellie this week. I guess I deserve that after the last several weeks’ vacation!

Miss Nellie

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